New York by playhouse_animation
Designing a public transit map can be a complicated process, taking months if not years to create a concise layout that can be interpreted quickly for commuters on the go. To make things easier to understand the obvious decision is to use symbolic geography in lieu of real maps so that everything fits in a legible manner. Over at the subreddit r/DataIsBeautiful, Reddit user vinnivinnivinni had thew idea to create an animated comparison of a Berlin subway map compared to its real geography. The post went viral and several other users chimed in with their own contributions. Gathered here are some of the best examples, but you can see a few more on Twisted Sifter (gotta love Austin).
Berlin by vinnivinnivinni
Tokyo by -Ninja-
Singapore by wrcyn
Shanghai by KailoB6
São Paulo by sweedishfishoreo
Washington D.C. by stupidgit
Oslo by iamthedestroyer
Montreal by weilian82
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